My Dream

I want to tell you about a young man that I’ve been investing my time into these past few months. His name is Sophath. He is in his mid-twenties. Sophath is Cambodian and grew up in the heart of the Cambodian hood, the eastside of Long Beach.

Sophath started attending our Long Beach Bible study back in 2011. During our studies he would ask questions about God, Jesus, and eternal life. He was endearingly inquisitive.
During our first meeting in February, I asked him if he and I could meet often and talk about Jesus. He said, “Yes!” I encouraged Sophath to start reading a chapter a week from the Gospel of John. I encouraged him to think of a minimum of three questions for when we meet.

A few days ago Sophath and I got together along with his friend. We reread John chapters 1 and 2. After our reading, Sophath asked his questions. They were some very good questions! One question he asked was about the “word.” “What does the Bible mean when it talks about the word?” We delved into the meaning of “word.” We spent a good amount of time talking about Jesus being the Word. I could see that Sophath understood.

What is my dream for Sophath? I dream that he would take a deeper step of faith and trust God to be his Lord. I also dream that Sophath will one day be a laborer among his family and friends in Long Beach. Please pray for Sophath’s growth and my investment in his life.

Ken Kong