"It took me two hours by bus"
Let me tell you a story about a freshman in high school named Diego.
Suenos Youth Center
Diego has grown up at Neighborhood Ministries his whole life. Things for Diego and his siblings got tough ever since his mom went to jail a few years ago. They had to move much further from the church and because of that haven't been able to come. To my surprise, I saw Diego show up at the grand opening of the Sueños Youth Center. I asked him how he got there and he said "It took me two hours by bus." I was shocked, but it appeared to me that God was stirring up a thirst in Diego not just for a safe community, but also to grow in his relationship with God. I promised Diego that if he could get to the Sueños Center that I would drive him home. He has come the last four weeks and has shared invaluable insight as we have explored the Scriptures together. He has pointed out things to me that I have never realized.
One of the insights he shared was about the sinful woman in Luke 7:36-50. One question I was asking the youth was why the woman came into the room kissing Jesus' feet. Diego made the observation that she was probably a prostitute and although it was obviously not in a seductive way, she was coming to Jesus the only way she knew how. The important thing being that she came to Jesus right where she was. I love hearing youth like Diego process these stories through their experiences which often mirror the experiences of those hurting who Jesus spoke to in the Bible.
Thank you for your support and continued prayer for these youth as they encounter Christ.
In His Grace,
Parker and Elise Schramm